1. BMW 3 (E30) 09.1982-10.1994
  2. Gear oil (40)

Automatic Transmission Fluid LIQUI MOLY P000242

Código del artículo: AL23247650
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  • 17.15-17%
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  • fecha de entrega:
    15.05.2024, 18:00
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Fabricante LIQUI MOLY
Código P000242
Producto Automatic Transmission Fluid
JASO specification 1-A
Manufacturer Approval Ford Mercon V
Manufacturer Approval Allison C4
Manufacturer Approval Toyota Type T-II
Manufacturer Approval Toyota Type T-IV
Manufacturer Approval Kia SP-II/SP-III
Manufacturer Approval Dexron III H
Manufacturer Approval Hyundai SP-II/SP-III
Manufacturer Approval Mazda ATF M-III
Manufacturer Approval Mazda ATF M-V
Oil - manufacturer recommendation VW G 052 162
Oil - manufacturer recommendation BMW 7045 E
Oil - manufacturer recommendation ZF TE-ML9
Oil - manufacturer recommendation ZF TE-ML14A
Oil - manufacturer recommendation ZF TE-ML11A
Oil - manufacturer recommendation Allison TES 295
Oil - manufacturer recommendation Volvo 97340/97341
Oil - manufacturer recommendation BMWLT 71141
Oil - manufacturer recommendation BMW8072 B
Oil - manufacturer recommendation JWS 3309 AisinWarner
Oil - manufacturer recommendation ZF TE-ML03D
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB236.11
Oil - manufacturer recommendation ZF TE-ML11B
Oil - manufacturer recommendation BMWLA 2634
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB236.5
Oil - manufacturer recommendation VW G 055 025
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB236.91
Oil - manufacturer recommendation Voith H55.6335.XX
Oil - manufacturer recommendation ZF TE-ML 02F
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB236.7
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB236.9
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MAN 339 Typ V1
Oil - manufacturer recommendation Caterpillar TO-2
Oil - manufacturer recommendation Subaru ATF
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MAN 339 Typ Z2
Oil - manufacturer recommendation ZF TE-ML05L
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB236.6
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB236.1
Oil - manufacturer recommendation ZF TE-ML14B
Oil - manufacturer recommendation Daimler NAG-1
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB 236.2
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MAN 339 Typ Z1
Oil - manufacturer recommendation ZF TE-ML04D
Oil - manufacturer recommendation VW G 052 990
Oil - manufacturer recommendation Chrysler ATF +3/+4
Synthetic, latest generation automatic transmission oil. Prevents the formation of harmful deposits. With maximum transmission performance and power reserve, you will reach your destination faster and more reliably. Exceeds the testing requirements of all well-known manufacturers. Ensures precise friction behavior and excellent aging resistance. Best lubrication resistance in all operating conditions. Improved abrasion protection. For automatic transmissions, manual transmissions, steering systems, hydraulic and lateral transmissions on both standard and commercial vehicles. Liqui Moly recommends: Allison TES 295 ; BMW 7045 E; BMW 8072 B; BMW LA 2634; BMW LT 71141; Caterpillar TO-2; Chrysler ATF +3; Chrysler ATF +4; Daimler NAG-1; JWS 3309 (Aisin Warner) ; MAN 339 Type V1; MAN 339 Type Z1; MAN 339 Type Z2; MB 236.2/236.3/236.5/236.6/ 236.7/236.9/236.10/236.11 ; Subaru ATF ; Voith H55.6335.XX (G 607) ; Volvo 97340; Volvo 97341; VW G 052 162 ; VW G 052 990; VW G 055 025 ; ZF TE-ML 02F/03D/04D/05L/09/11A/ 11B/14A/14B/17C

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